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Finding a Modern, Stylish Spring Rain Jacket for Curvy Hips

If you’ve ever struggled trying to find a modern, stylish spring rain jacket for curvy hips, rounder bums and fuller thighs, I hope this post helps!

Photos of Lole Memory Jacket Charcoal GreyPin this image on Pinterest
Lolë “Memory”

Since losing more than 50 pounds, I now know what it actually means to “have nothing to wear”.  Because we’re a bit boat broke right now, I’ve been rationing clothing purchases and trying to limit myself to one item of clothing a month – but I’m finding that really difficult!  I was swimming in my old spring coat and last week I finally broke down and bought myself a new rain jacket for spring.  I searched high and low in my small city for a rain coat that would be practical and stylish, because I’ll probably live in this jacket for the foreseeable future.   Since losing weight, my clothing size is smaller but my figure is still the same: I still have a curvier hip/bum/thigh region compared to my waist and buying clothes is still difficult!  So here’s my experience finding modern, stylish spring rain jacket for curvy hips with a couple of recommendations of styles for curvy girls.

I was really happy with the fit and quality of my old coat, the Lolë “Glowing” Jacket (in “Black Embossed”), which is a three season belted style that I wore non-stop until it was time to don my parka:

Review of the Lole Glowing Three Season CoatPin this image on Pinterest
Lolë “Glowing” Jacket

The only thing I didn’t love was the design which, although subtle, made it more difficult to accessorize than a simple black coat.  The fit, however, was outstanding and very forgiving as my weight fluctuated – the fabric has a nice stretch to it which makes it incredibly comfortable and it fit over my wider hips with room to spare.  You can tell from the photos with models how much extra wiggle room there is in the hip region. This is my #1 suggestion for a stylish spring rain jacket for curvy hips because that fabric is very giving.

I tried on the newer “Glowing” design, this time in a pretty grey design (“Dark Charcoal Corn Field”) and although I loved it even more than my last jacket because the pattern is more “me” and the belt now has a chicer design, I couldn’t commit because it’s pretty warm thanks to a cozy liner.  Because we’re headed into what I hope will be summer weather, I decided something lighter might serve me better.  But I’m watching for a good sale and I might pick this up for fall because I just love it so much!  That pattern really has a mid-century modern look:

Lole Glowing Rain Coat - Stylish, Modern Rain CoatPin this image on Pinterest

In the end, I kept coming back to this stylish rain jacket:

Chic Rain Coat Options for WomenPin this image on Pinterest
Lolë “Memory”
Photos of Lole Memory Jacket Charcoal GreyPin this image on Pinterest
Lolë “Memory”

The Lolë “Memory” is lighter weight, but still water-repellent.  I love the ruched waist (which also stops drafts) and the double zipper.  I still have a bigger bum and thighs – which I love! – compared to my waist and small chest, so a double zipper makes sitting for long stretches comfier because I can create a little more wiggle room.  It’s also great for hauling my ass into our giant truck without ripping a side seam!  The ruched waist is just so perfect for a stylish spring rain jacket for curvy hips and a smaller waist because once I got the right size for my bum, I could cinch the waist area nicely – usually if something fits my derriere, it’s huge in the waist (and bust, lol) region.

I’ve been wearing this coat non-stop since purchasing it and I feel so great in it!  I bought “Dark Charcoal,” which is a pretty tame colour but it lets my sky blue Hunter boots shine (they’re cute in the matte finish too).  Let me awkwardly model this jacket for you, ugh I am so clearly not a style or fashion blogger.

Modern Rain Coat with Flattering FitPin this image on Pinterest

Another contender for as a tylish spring rain jacket for curvy hips was the Marmot Essential Jacket (I liked it in black, but it’s chic in grey too).  I almost bought it because it fit so well, looked really sleek and modern, and was made of Gore-Tex, but in the end I vetoed it because the Velcro closure on the pocket kept catching on the sleeves of my sweater.  The Marmot Highland Jacket looks really sophisticated as well – and has zippered pockets! – but no one carried it locally.

Marmot Essentials Jacket Review
Marmot Essential Jacket

For a really relaxed shape, the Lolë Stratus was a great fit with tons of room for ample derrieres and thighs.  I just personally love a coat that’s belted or ruched in the waist, but for anyone who prefers a more relaxed cut, I highly recommend this jacket:

Lole Stratus Review
Lolë Stratus

My post about narrowing down some winter coat options for women with a similar figure as me (wider hips and thighs, narrower waist, small chest – a pear, if you will) was a real hit, so now that I found a great spring jacket, I wanted to share!  I think it might turn out that I’m a  Lolë devotee because their coats are designed to be really flattering and fitted, but tend to offer some room for curvy bodies.  I love that!  If you have an recommendations for a stylish spring rain jacket for curvy hips, let us know in the comments!

Have you splurged on a new jacket this season?  Do you have any go-to brands for clothes that are flattering and forgiving? 

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    1. Elaine - Visual Meringue
      June 2, 2016 / 2:30 pm

      Love that jacket. Plus, you look GREAT Tanya! Congrats on that amazing weight loss! Very, very inspiring. 🙂

      • Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse
        June 2, 2016 / 3:09 pm

        Thank you, Elaine! I FEEL so good. I promise this post wasn't just my sneaky way of fishing for compliments, lol.

    2. Anonymous
      June 2, 2016 / 3:13 pm

      50 lbs, wow! That is life changing—go you! Love the jacket too:)Amy

      • Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse
        June 2, 2016 / 4:50 pm

        Thanks Amy! The past year has been very life changing. I've re-prioritized what's important, started eating much healthier, and have really worked to mitigate stress in my life. I feel good, but this summer my focus is to get more fit and strong (and sleep more!). I'm excited!

      • Anonymous
        June 3, 2016 / 1:58 pm

        I feel like I need to change my exterior to match my interior:) I got married a year ago:) feel very centered….and am ready to get fit. Walking is underway, need to strength train more. Maybe you'll share some insights on your blog re; your journey? Amy

      • Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse
        June 3, 2016 / 3:02 pm

        Hi Amy,Congratulations – on both getting married and starting to walk!! I find I always struggle with getting started when it comes to any goals.I have started writing a post about it, but it's a tricky one to write because I don't want to support any ideas of skinny = better. But I read a lot of stories about health and struggling with weight during this process and it was so comforting to read, so I'm more than happy to share my journey. I'm hoping to have a post ready for next week. I'm very much still on the journey myself – needing to strength train more, like you.

      • Anonymous
        June 3, 2016 / 3:23 pm

        Thank you! Fun to have met my love so much later in life—yay to that! So I have had a couple of times that I actually lost weight but it felt pretty odd and foreign. I've been heavier more of the last 20 yrs. I loved seeing results but didn't feel like myself and that didn't work for me. I want to be more fit. So here is to trying it again—in a more effective way. Thanks again for sharing what you have!Amy

    3. Cred X
      June 3, 2016 / 1:59 am

      I love all of those jackets you've shown. I will have to check out the marmot- the gortex is great for hiking (my sister drags me out a couple times a year and I just don't have the gear anymore). But I love the rain jacket you chose and the glowing in charcoal cornfield. You look super cute in the photo with your new coat and blue hunters. Congrats on your health accomplishments to date- no small feat. And good luck with your fitness and sleep goals. You're off to such a fabulous start, that I'm sure you will do well. I'm on a new path to wellness, myself. And it's great to see your success.

      • Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse
        June 3, 2016 / 5:06 am

        Thank you :)The Marmot one felt like really great quality too – very sturdy, like you could really put it through the ringer! But sleek enough to wear off the trails too. I had a Gore-Tex last for 10+ years and it's still kicking around my parent's place…Spring always feels like a good time to improve our lives, doesn't it? I'm never one for new year's resolutions, but this time of year I feel renewed.Wishing you success on your path to wellness too!

    4. Kristen -
      June 3, 2016 / 1:07 pm

      This is a great post! You've lost more than 50 pounds! Wow! You look like someone who has always been slim! Did you blog about it, or could you? I am about 20 lbs down, with at least 25 more to go and I've stalled (for about two months now). Would love to hear more. (If you feel like sharing 🙂

      • Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse
        June 3, 2016 / 3:11 pm

        Hi Kristen,Congratulations!! Losing 20 pounds takes a lot of determination! I completely understand that stalled feeling – I have been up and down on the scale my whole life. This is the second time I've really committed, and it's the most I've ever lost. This time I made lifestyle changes and did it for my health, so I'm hoping I have the strength to keep at it and not slip back into old habits. I would be happy to share my journey and am putting together a post for next week (that's the plan, anyway), but it's a scary thing to write about! Although I want to celebrate reaching my weight loss goal, I am also very concerned about contributing to ideas of skinny = better.

      • Kristen
        June 6, 2016 / 12:51 am

        Yes, that makes total sense (the skinny = better thought). It's tough, isn't? I think I'm a lot older than you (I'm in my early 40s) and I could feel the weight just sort of starting to "settle in." It has been a horrible feeling. Not to mention that I've felt myself sort of slowing down because of it. Just dropping those 20 pounds has helped me feel significantly better, but I don't want to give up before I've reached my goal. Anyway! I didn't mean to go on and on about it! I'd love to read more about your journey 🙂

      • Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse
        June 6, 2016 / 1:08 am

        I completely understand! I'm in my early thirties but I know exactly what you mean about the weight settling in. It felt uncomfortable on my bones, which is the strangest thing to explain. Thank you for your comments because it's so nice to hear that someone else relates. I'm always more motivated to write if I know that even just one person will be interested 🙂 Please share as much as you feel comfortable sharing! I LOVE reading comments!

    5. wellfedfred
      June 4, 2016 / 9:54 pm

      Congratulations on your achievement, Tanya! I'm looking forward to reading your post about your journey, when you're ready. BTW, when I had a big project going on, I kept very quiet about it until it was done, or until I reached a milestone in the project. I didn't want to be the girl who wasn't hired by (fill in blank) or didn't get into (school), or who couldn't stick to whatever.

      • Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse
        June 5, 2016 / 5:40 pm

        Thank you :)Yes, I completely understand! It's scary to talk about something that is underway, because there's always the risk it won't happen/things change and then you have to go back and explain.

    6. brikhouse2
      June 25, 2016 / 2:27 am

      That grey jacket with the basket weave look is beautiful. I'm not much of a jacket wearer unless there is more than a few inches of snow, other than that I stick to hoodies. I run warm and it doesn't get too cold over here in the Wet Coast, but that water resistant jacket you got would be perfect lol.

      • Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse
        June 30, 2016 / 2:34 am

        My jacket is super lightweight and now that I've worn it a bunch, it is 100% waterproof which is awesome. Still breathable, but not a drop getting through – even in torrential downpours. The basket weave one is much warmer with a fleecey kind of lining. I've worn it when it's quite cold here.

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