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How to Fix DIY Whipped Body Butter That Won’t Whip | Homemade Whipped Body Butter Recipe

This was originally just a tutorial for how to make whipped body butter, but then it became a flop, but then it miraculously came together so now I have a hack for anyone wondering how to fix DIY whipped body butter that won’t whip (or wondering whether it’s worth the hassle to make this in the first place)!  I actually whipped up this project (lol) back when my friend Ashley was visiting in the summer.  We made a bunch of beauty products together because she loves essential oils and I love making stuff, so what better way to spend a weekend together than making stuff with essential oils?  With winter fast approaching, my skin has been getting soooo dry so I figured this was a great time to share this homemade body butter!

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Here are the supplies and ingredients we used:

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For my containers, I re-used Riviera petit pot glass yogurt jars.  You can purchase plastic lids and labels from their website and turn the empty yogurt jars into storage containers – which is such a clever idea!  I bought the turquoise lids and the matching turquoise/yellow flower labels.   You can also find jars in a similar style/size on Amazon or even get jars designed for cosmetics, like these amber glass ones.

DIY Whipped Body Butter Recipe

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Making this DIY body butter is supposedly easy:

  • Melt the coconut oil and shea butter together in a pot on the stove (low heat)
  • Pour the contents into a bowl and refrigerate until cool
  • Remove the mixture from the fridge and whip, slowly adding the jojoba oil
  • Add essential oils!

Using my KitchenAid hand mixer, we whipped and whipped and whipped.  It was so oily and not fluffy at all!  Ashley and I must have whipped it for an hour before we gave up and cracked open a bottle of wine.  After Ashley went home, I started Googling “how to fix DIY whipped body butter that won’t whip,” and decided that the best course of action would be to melt it down and try it again.

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how to fix DIY whipped body butter that won't whipPin this image on Pinterest

I put off fixing this body butter but eventually I needed the mixing bowl, so I took it out of the fridge to soften.  After a few minutes on the counter, I realized that it had developed a fluffy texture.  It was fluffing as it warmed!  I grabbed the KitchenAid mixer again and started whipping.  Within minutes, I had properly whipped body butter!  I scooped it into my little glass jars and popped them into the fridge again to “set”.

So in the end, this DIY whipped body butter worked!  I wanted to share this in case anyone else has wondered how to fix DIY whipped body butter that won’t whip.  My advice is to try leaving it in the fridge for a few days, then remove and let soften for a few minutes and try whipping again!

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DIY Whipped Body Butter Recipe and Tutorial with TroubleshootingPin this image on Pinterest

After I figured out how to fix DIY whipped body butter that won’t whip, the end result is a really light body butter that glides onto the skin and soaks in immediately – even Hubby likes it, and he hates skin creams.  These handmade whipped body butters need to be stored somewhere cool in the summer, but in the cooler months they are just fine out on a counter (in my frigid house, anyway).

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Now that I know the trick, this was pretty simple to make but it was a bit pricey.  I spent about $11 on the jojoba oil and the shea butter was $15 (but I only used half of that tub).  I have a massive Costco tub of coconut oil so that wasn’t a huge expense and luckily my pal Ashley hooked me up with the essential oils. But I only managed to eek out those four jars of whipped body butter, and although a little goes a long way, spending roughly $20 on that amount of lotion seems a bit steep…?

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But the nice thing is that the ingredients list in very small and while a lot of moisturizers sting my skin once it gets super dry, this doesn’t.  Plus I like that I can control the scent and create something custom that isn’t overpowering, like so many store bought lotions.  It also makes a nice homemade gift idea and it’s a cute way to re-use those glass yogurt pots!  I do prefer the look of a little glass jar of lotion on my nightstand table, as opposed to something with hideous packaging and a label that clashes with my decor (not that I don’t tend to buy brands with aqua packaging, lol).  If you decide to try your hand at making DIY whipped body butter, I hope this helps!

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Looking for other DIY beauty products?  Check out my really easy, super moisturizing DIY food scrub and my super popular DIY gemstone soap tutorial.  I also made cute soap inspired by Lake Superior, using the same simple melt and pour method.

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    1. February 7, 2022 / 8:10 am


      • February 7, 2022 / 2:37 pm

        I haven’t had that happen before, so I am not speaking here from experience – but this is what I would do: if it isn’t too hard to whip in its current state, trying whipping in a little more jojoba oil – that should soften it up, without having the redo it entirely. Good luck!

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