(Cerulean Blue!) File Cabinet Makeover

(Cerulean Blue!) File Cabinet Makeover

I mentioned last week that the computer shop makeover I’ve been a part of hit a snag.  With the decorating budget sunk into the other rental space, pretty much everything…

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Kitchen Progress: DIY Pantry Cabinet + Little DIY Kitchen Hacks

Kitchen Progress: DIY Pantry Cabinet + Little DIY Kitchen Hacks

I’m excited to show you the new DIY pantry cabinet – along with some more kitchen updates!  That’s right, we’ve slowly made some more progress on the kitchen: an open…

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Kitchen Progress: It’s Panel Time! (Installing Modern Paneling)

Kitchen Progress: It’s Panel Time! (Installing Modern Paneling)

On instagram you might have caught a peek of us installing the paneling.  Installation was pretty easy.  The trickiest part was maneuvering the 8 foot tall pieces (I have some…

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