I’ve been asked questions about some of the art work in our house and it has been awhile since I’ve written an “Art Attack” post (see here, here and here for three of my favorites). So . . . I thought I’d post about hubby’s grandfather, Bert Weir. Bert painted the paintings seen in shots of our living room, dining room & guest bedroom:
I picked this one out |
This pair was a wedding gift! |
Hubby had these paintings when I met him – score! |
These were a Christmas gift |
We feel so honored to have some of his artwork in our home. And it is so generous of him to have gifted us with so many beautiful pieces. Bert is an amazing artist and a remarkable person. Below are some more pictures of his work. His lovely wife, Joy Allan, takes wonderful pictures of his artwork and is a talented artist herself. Bert has also written and illustrated books and there is a recently published book about him! Click any of the titles for more info on a particular piece, or check out his website here.
love his work!!
I had been admiring your artwork when looking at photos of your rooms. I'm so glad you gave us a close-up view of them. Wow…talk about a hubby with benefits!
Love, love all this artwork. Question: how is the art framed? can you provide a close-up?
Thanks, Anonymous. I will take some close up pics and post them on the blog this week. The frames are simple – just four strips of wood attached to the canvas (no mitred corners), you can see a bit of the edge of the painting (unlike the frames my Hubby made for my paintings, whic wrap around to the front). I'll get some more info and post soon. Thanks for asking!
I FINALLY have created a detailed post about how to make a frame for a painting. So sorry for the delay, but this post has tons of info & photos so I hope it was worth the wait :)http://dans-le-townhouse.blogspot.ca/2012/03/reader-q-diy-frame-fix-warped-canvas.html